Tuesday, July 18, 2006

UPDATE on Gracie.

While this is an old picture of Gracie we did find her!!

She was quite "shell shocked"....wandering around at the edge of the woods last night and from the looks of her that was where she had been the entire time! We picked her up and took her to the basement.....fighting all the way! When we put her down she scurried behind some plywood stacked against the wall and stayed there overnight. We could not coax her out, she didn't eat or drink anything we left for her as we checked on her multiple times last night trying to coax her out. Thankfully this morning I did see where she ate a bit of food although she is still behind the plywood. Poor thing!

The puppy will be picked up tomorrow....no telling how many days it will take for her to recover enough to come in the house. I imagine when she can't detect "puppy smell" anymore she will feel safe enough to come back in!


Anonymous said...

Poor kitty-cat! Hope y'all don't bring in any more evil puppies.

Casey said...

I'm glad you found your kitty! When I got a new cat 1 year ago, he was so scared of my dog that he ran away for over a week! I felt so bad but ehn the cat came back and was fine with the dog. He just needed some alone time to think things over. :)

Tonni said...

Poor thing! That's probably what Bandit wanted to do when I brought the kitties in his house but couldn't get out of the fence! I'm glad you found her.

Anonymous said...

Poor Gracie! I'm glad you found her.

Anonymous said...

Poor Gracie!