100 Things About Me (just in case anyone wants to know)1. I was born in Jasper, Alabama, have always lived in Alabama.2. I have 2 sisters....I'm the middle one.
3. I am a yo-yo dieter....always have been....(I know, I know...it's not good).
4. To quote my nephew.....food is my life!! LOL!!
5. I love to cook but frequently screw things up!
6. I love to knit...I'm not great at it but I love it!!
7. I am a registered X-ray technologist.
8. My husband fulfilled a childhood dream of mine by surprising me with a piano and lessons one christmas...and it TRULY was a surprise!
9. I hate to get dressed and put on make-up.
10. I don't like to shop.
11. I DESPISE shopping for shoes or clothing!
12. I like to sleep late on weekends.
13. After sleeping late on weekends I like to sit on my porch, drink coffee and watch the birds at the feeder.
14. I don't like to talk on the phone.
15. I am an introvert although will make a complete fool of myself in a group....go figure!
16. I enjoy reading a good book while laying in the bathtub....ask my mom....all my books have "water marks" on them!
17. I once took a class and passed becoming a certified coal miner!
18. I like to drive fast.
19. I dream of living in the country.
20. I cherish friendships in my life.
21. I am a christian. (these items are NOT in order of importance mind you!) LOL!
22. I used to dream of being a photographer and took pictures daily...then life got in the way!
23. I love chocolate!!!
24. Halloween is my favorite holiday!
25. With Christmas as my second favorite holiday!
26. I am INCREDIBLY cheap on some things in life.
27. I wish I could win a million dollars so I could give it away!!
28. I have never had an entire week's vacation in my life!
29. I H.A.T.E. yard work but would LOVE to have a pretty yard!
30. I talk too much when I am nervous.
31. I am afraid of the dark.
32. I used to smoke but quit.
33. I love listening to my husband play guitar and banjo but he doesn't play enough.
34. I love my bed....I love to snuggle in bed and sleep late.
35. I have a miniature schnauzer named Max that I will have to be buried with when his time comes.....I LOVE my dog!! He lets me sleep in the tiny corner of the bed that he doesn't use.
36. I love being a secret angel to others!!
37. My favorite color is blue....or green....but some days it is red.
38. I am indecisive on the little things in life.
39. I am a major procrastinator on some things and a very type A person on other things.
40.I love the water....the lake in particular!
41. I love to feed the birds.
42. My favorite day of the week is Friday.
43. I like "stuff"...I'm a pack rat.
44. Speaking of which, I am DEATHLY terrified of bugs or mice.
45. I used to have two ferrets many years ago.
46. If I could go anywhere on vacation it would be Maine or Vermont in the Fall.
47. I LOVE old movies!!
48. I hate knowing Lucille Ball is no longer here......I Love Lucy.....they just don't make T.V. like that anymore!
49. I love purses.
50. I collect WAY too many things.....but I especially like baskets and pottery.
51. I have a small collection of face jugs.
52. Fall is my favorite season.
53. My favorite flower is the Daisy.
54. I love to sit and listen to the rain.
55. I also love a good loud thunderstorm.
56. I am ready to retire....not age wise....but ready nevertheless.
57. My family is the most important thing in my life.
58. I H.A.T.E. to exercise.
59. I love mexican food and a good margarita.
60. I like to be by myself.
61. I collect yarn.....I have lot's of yarn.
62. I am addicted to yarn.
63. Despite working in the medical field I H.A.T.E. to go to the doctor.
64. I have to have total darkness to sleep.
65. I love electronic "gadgets"....yet I am technilogically "challenged".
66. I'm scared of tornadoes.
67. I love Little Debbie Cakes
68. I have a collection of decorative bundt cake pans.
69. I don't like reality t.v.
70. I don't like speaking in public and will avoid at all costs.
71. My husband is my best friend.
72. I love fast food.
73. I love good coffee....especially latte's.
74. I started a knitting group with my best friend.
75. My closet is always a mess.
76. I don't like to watch sports.
77. I don't like self centered people.
78. I am most proud of myself for going to school.
79. I have always secretly wanted to write a book and have it published.
80. I wish I were tall.
81. I have big feet.....EEE width!
82. I can't sing but wish I could.
83. I sometimes snort when I laugh.
84. I drink WAYYYY too many diet cokes.
85. I miss smoking when I drink coffee.
86. I have never made a soufle but have it on my list of things to bake.
87. I love to entertain.
88. I like being at home.
89. I didn't like high school.
90. I still miss my Grandmother.
91. I don't make my bed every day.
92. My most favorite place to date to work was Williams Sonoma....I love to cook and it is a cook's heaven on earth....oh and I loved the discount!
93. Favorite place I have visited is Chicago....so much to see and do.
94. I want to take a cruise to Alaska.
95. I would like to fly in a small plane....maybe take a flying lesson or two.
96. I am afraid of heights.
97. If I could chose a time to live in it would be the 50's.
98. I love Peanuts comics and videos.
99. I watch Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin and Christmas Video every year.
100. Favorite Cheesy movie is Halloween....original with Jamie Lee Curtis....which incidentally was the only scary movie I ever saw when I was growing up and I snuck to the drive-in to see it....oops......sorry mother and daddy!