Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It's Beginning To Look A Tiny Bit Like Christmas!!
First there was Thanksgiving......pies to bake. Princess Cupcake spent some of her time from school with me. We started the tradition of baking Thanksgiving pies many years ago. I remember when she was so little she had to stand on a stool to reach the countertop....don't even like to think about how long ago...makes me sad she isn't a little girl anymore.
This was only 5 years ago...
And Today.
She just turned 14...sniff...
No more baby dolls to buy, now it's
Facebook, Texting and....BOYS!!!!
(note cell phone on counter)
There has been some knitting...and not all has been socks...SHOCKING I know!!!
We got some snow here in Alabama...and it isn't even March!!
Well over 40 dozen (yes, FORTY DOZ.) cookies have been baked.
A sampling of Holiday decorations......
A few good men!
One down, personalize, add a hanger block, repeat for second is Wednesday, due to be sent off for delivery on Saturday.
Ahhh....I love knitting pressure!! LOL!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ten On Tuesday and Other Things
1. Pajama Day
2. REAL hot chocolate made with whole milk and shaved chocolate
3. Knitting all day....and letting the housework go
4. Reading all day....and letting the housework go
5. Going to a movie in the middle of a week day.
6. Taking a long, hot bath.....usually accompanied by a good book.
7. Manicure and Pedicure
8. Eating good chocolate.
9. Wasting time on the internet
10. Shopping for yarn
My sister and I wait breathlessly each Fall on who will find the first Peppermint Mocha Coffee Creamer....
I won this year...
picking up 8 bottles (on sale).....only to be VERY dissapointed!! Despite a phone call to the manufacturer, stating that there have been no formula changes from previous years....there is a most DEFINITE change in the taste and smell. As in you can no longer smell the peppermint once added to your cup of coffee...and there is only the faintest hint of peppermint taste.
There may have been a tear or two shed............we do love...or loved this stuff!! Sniff, Sniff!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Whiskers On Wednesday
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's Been Awhile
It's been awhile since I have regularly posted....lot's going on for the past few months.
I had planned to attend SAFF this year, had a room reserved but due to a family illness, was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it so I cancelled my reservation. Family is wayyyyy more important...and there is always next year!!!
Where to start:
Finally got yarn ordered to finish this cardigan/shrug
Claudia's Handpainted
Vanilla sock
I have completed two other pairs of socks, will have to get them photographed.
Many, many thanks once again for everyone's thoughts and prayers during my Father-In-Law's illness and subsequent death. It is nice to know there are so many that care and I have truly appreciated all the EM!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
1. Friends.....coolest by far!!
2. Iphone......seriously, this is your own personal assistant right at your fingertips!!
3. Ravelry: How cool is it to be able to log onto a site and see every variation of a particular pattern you want to knit...not to mention all the wonderful FREE patterns that people share.
4. The Internet...good GRIEF.....whodathunkit?
5. Computers.....see above.
6. Digital cameras
7. Ipod
8. Health...not only cool, but a true blessing.
9. Family, good/bad,warts and all...having family is pretty darn cool.
10. Being able to help others.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What You See is NOT What You Will Be!!
I made many stops along the way and measured....
What I FAILED to do was stop and try on along the way.......and while my measurements are right on target, it is simply too short for me!! I am only 5' 2"!!
In looking at the picture on the pattern the model is definitely smaller in the bust than I am, BUT....the length is most definitely longer than the length called for in the pattern and I can't fathom that my bust size would shorten the overall length of the sweater's off to the frog pond, glad I was excited to try on prior to wasting time with the sleeves.
I do like the basic cut of the sweater and will reknit but when it gets to the point where I am to bind off I'll try on and continue knitting till it at LEAST hits my waist rather than barely underneath the bust.
Oh well......Saturday plans include finishing season one of this will be perfect knitting for that!! I'll also be casting on with some BEAUTIFUL denim blue sock yarn that someone oh so special gifted me....along with YUM..........POUND CAKE.......YUM!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Ten On Tuesday Post and Knitting In Review
Friday, September 04, 2009
Wee Tiny Baking And A Whole Lotta Knittin Goin On!!
First you take a few Wee Tiny baking tools and a wee tiny cake plate.
Mix a together a few ingredients...
Pop in the oven and POOF.....a few minutes later you have your very own, adult, Easy Bake cake!
This cake was so utterly decadent and rich that it took 3 adults two days to eat it!!! This is a 4" cake folks!! Double chocolate, sour cream DIE for!!!
And....since this IS after all a knitting blog here are a few things I have been working on no particular order.
Future shruggish style summer cardigan garment.
AND.....MORE Socks!!!!
I also received a shipment of Berrocco Vintage Wool. I had received an EM about this yarn, took a chance and ordered enough for the Sugarmaple shawl and a summer cardigan.
WOW......this yarn is very soft but strong enough to hold good stitch definition and be hard pressed to know this is a blend of wool and nylon.
I plan on keeping the shawl over the back of my chair to pull around my shoulders on chilly nights...and considering how the cats love to sleep on anything I knit...I will be able to throw in the wash when needed and not have to worry about felting. I'm glad I hadn't already started this project with the Auracania yarn I had planned on using!!
Hmmm.......It seems I fell down on the Webs site too..... :) :) :)
But more on that when the Box-O-Bliss arrives.
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Labor Day Weekend!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
FINALLY...a post
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday's Simple Woman Post
I am thinking...about my dog...spending the day at the Vet for blood work.
I am thankful family!!
From the kitchen...I am baking cookies for the Vet Tech that cares for Max.
I am usual...shorts and a t-shirt.
I am creating...some dishcloths.
I am clean house today.
I am reading...A Julia Child book.
I am hoping...we can get Max's diabetes under control.
I am hearing...Geek Loves Nerd podcast.
Around the is quiet today.
One of my favorite knitting and baking
A few plans for the rest of the week: Exercise (UGH)....
Friday, August 07, 2009
Friday Foto
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Whiskers On Wednesday
And can't leave out Bella!! Who finds the entire photo process rather today's shot is a mear shadow of Her Highness!!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Ten On Tuesday Post
1. Lucille Ball
2. Grace (Will and Grace)
3. Christine (New Adventures of Old Christine)
4. Allison Dubois (Medium)
5. Bree (Desperate Housewives)
6. Nora Walker (Brothers & Sisters)
7. Ann Marie (That Girl)....yes...I am THAT old!! LOL!!
8. Hawkeye (Mash)
9. Charlie (Two And A Half Men)
10. Samantha (Bewitched)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ten On Tuesday Post
Today's Ten On Tuesday Subject is 10 Favorite Sounds, so in no particular order:
1. Rain
2. Thunder
3. Train Whistle
4. Ocean waves crashing on the beach
5. Wind blowing
6. Anything played on an acoustic guitar
7. Piano music
8. Saxaphone music
9. Laughter
10. The stillness that comes with standing outside listening to snow fall.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday Post
It's a bowl of blueberries, pulled from the freezer and thawing for breakfast!!
Happy Monday!!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday Fill Ins & A New Post!!
Graphic courtesy of Tonya! we go!
1. Grilled burgers (because the hubby is in charge of the grill) and salad make a quick and easy dinner.
2. Dark Tort by Diane Mott Davidson is the book I'm reading right now.
3. July brings back memories of being a kid and swimming at the pool and playing with cousins, in town for the summer.
4. The crash of Jon & Kate was obvious.
5. They say if you tell your dreams you will be jinxed.
6. It is ALWAYS best to think it over.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Farming on Facebook, knitting, tomorrow my plans include baking my Dad a German Chocolate cake for his birthday, shopping for a birthday gift, washing the MOUNDS of laundry and Sunday, I want to call a Pajama Day, but will be traveling out of town to spend the day with my Dad for his Birthday!
I recently ran across the Better In Bulk blog and have decided to start following and posting my own......
I have had a love of photography that dates back to my teenage years when I got my first 35mm camera. While in college, I took photography classes and fell in love with the dark room....watching pictures magically come to life on paper was AWESOME!! (All you digital age photographers have missed out!)
Over the years I carted my camera (totally manual) with me everywhere I went.....including all the props of white boards for reflection, tripod, etc. All in hopes of catching that perfect shot. But then life got busy, my camera ended up in a yard sale and I have always, ALWAYS regretted letting it go!!!! I would love to dig out my books for a refresher course and get back to totally manual photography.
BUT.....until then......I'll be posting a weekly "Give Me Your Best Shot" digital picture....and here is this week's best shot.
My husband's great niece, age two, who had decided she'd had quite enough of the wedding festivities, crawled under the table at the reception and proceeded to remove her dress.....when asked what she was doing she just put her little hands up and said she was "nekkid" if I were too dumb to understand!! LOL!!
It's hard to see on this shot, but if you go here, although a bit grainy, you will see a perfect little lipstick kiss on her left cheek.
Shot with just your basic point and shoot digital camera.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A Wonderful Movie and What Else...Socks Of Course!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Whiskers On Wednesday And ANNOUNCEMENT!!
Heidi Says: I'm bored....want to come play with me???
Now For The Announcement Portion Of The Blog:
DISH RAG TAG 2009 sign ups will start SOON!! Go to Emily's website for all the details.
Over the past few years I have enjoyed the DRT as well as the Wee Tiny Sock Swap!! I know it takes a lot of work to pull these off and in a show of support want to encourage everyone to head over and check out the AWESOME patterns Emily has written and has available for sale.
Once prizes are purchased for the DRT, all proceeds from the sock pattern will be donated to the Humane Society.
Over the years, Emily has and continues to intervene in the care and placement of what otherwise would be a sad predicament for a lot of different animals. Oh...and all this while caring for a toddler!!!
I am all about supporting my fellow knitters as well as such a worthy cause and I hope you will too!! The bowling ball and pin are too cute!!!
If you aren't a sock knitter or have a little one to knit is still for a worthy cause.
If you prefer to check it out on Ravelry.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Knitting, This & That
First: Off The Needles!!
Secret Knitting!! I was asked to test knit a pair of socks and was flattered to say the least!!!
The pattern writer is someone that I admire VERY much!!
I believe the details will be available please check back for an update. Hopefully tomorrow the pattern will be posted on Ravelry!!
My test knitting was done with Colinette Jitterbug Yarn...of course I have no idea the color name/number as the missing!! Hee, Hee!!!
This weekend I attended the wedding festivities for a most precious couple......which I have the good luck of being related to the groom as he is my husband's nephew!
The wedding was simply lovely, about 300 in attendance yet it was not an overwhelming affair!!
Both are graduates of Auburn University!! The bride just graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in mathematics education and the groom graduated 2008 Cum Laude and is currently a Sophomore at the Auburn University School of Veterinary Science..(his older sister is about to graduate from Vet School)...Woo Hoo...two vets in the family!!
The happy couple left the church via the tractor so lovingly delivered and decorated (in lieu of their car) all the Groomsmen. TOO CUTE!!!!
After a week in Colorado it will be back to school for Brian and Kelli will be starting her first year teaching Math!!
Sweetest couple EVER!!!
AND......the color red!!!!
Thanks my makes me VERY happy!!!