Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Post

I ran across the Simple Woman Blog
and thought I would try the Monday post for awhile. All you do is cut and paste the questions onto your blog each Monday and fill in the blanks!
NO knitting this weekend......I have been totally immersed in a book this weekend!! (see below).

FOR TODAY July 27th

Outside my window...I see lot's of weeds!

I am thinking...I have a lot to do today and don't want to do anything.

I am thankful family!!

From the kitchen...I am going to create a new recipe for dinner tonight.

I am usual...shorts and a t-shirt.

I am creating...some knitted socks.

I am run some errands today.

I am reading...The autobiography of Julia Child.

I am be able to start this week out on a diet and stay motivated for the ENTIRE week, not just the first 5 days.

I am dog whine.

Around the where I enjoy being.

One of my favorite knitting.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Exercise (UGH)....knitting, visiting a friend and her sweet little boys.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...'s not a fungi of some kind........

It's a bowl of blueberries, pulled from the freezer and thawing for breakfast!!

Happy Monday!!!!

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