What is it about sharing like passions with a group of friends that brings such infinite joy???
We are all different ages, different careers, different stages in life.....some with little children, some with no children.....some are old and dear friends, some are new friends and some are newly met.....yet when we get together in one room it is as though we are all one and have all known each other for a lifetime!!
The easy conversations that flowed, the good natured joking around.....(comments overheard.....my goodness your bobbins are so small......OH MY....look at the size of those big bobbins........Wow....you don't even need a hook for your orifice it is so big.......and one didn't even HAVE an orifice (which we were all jealous of)LOL!!!!! Oh my.......the laughter, the cutting up, the sharing of information on fibers, techniques and tips on spinning was shared by all!!! Tiny bits of fiber fluff could be seen floating around the room.....and attached to some of us!! LOL!!!! The wonderful food and drink......I can't say enough.....so I'll show a few pictures....going around the room.
The picture doesn't do it justice, but Grace is wearing THE MOST PHENOMENAL Central Park Hoodie!! Angora, soft, warm, the red is beautifully cabled and is truly one of the prettiest sweaters I have seen!! What an awesome job!!!
I was particularly tickled to get the finally meet Wendy in person!! We have emailed for over a year and this was the first opportunity we have had to meet!!! Just as personable and wonderful in person as she is in her emails!!! I hope to see you again soon my friend!!
Carrie has an AWESOME business on Etsy, Funky Carolina....and sells THE most wonderfully hand dyed BFL roving....other roving as well as yarn!! What a TREAT to get to meet her and watch her spinning technique!!! Carrie and Wendy both have a Louet wheel (those would be the ones with the large bobbins! LOL!!).
Jessi is spinning next to Carrie on her new Ashford Traditional wheel that her husband gave her for Christmas!!
I was spinning with some beautiful BFL roving, dyed by Ms. Funky Carolina herself that Jessi
Jessi also has an Esty shop, Alabama Fiber Dreams and sells the CUTEST stitch markers, bracelets, yarn (which I have an inside tip there will be an update with new yarn any day now).
Cindy was spinning some beautiful roving that she received with her wheel, a Kromski Minstrel....which is SOO pretty!!
Bibby is spinning a most "envious" green roving on her new Ashford Traveler wheel (which I covet by the way....add this to the will list)! LOL!!!
Here is Tonni dilligently spinning away on her Kromski Sonata she got just in time for Christmas!! Love the walnut color!!! Tonni has info on her blog about a Spin In that is later this month in Destin.
Last, but absolutely not least is Elizabeth spinning some amazingly thin yarn, to be cabled for a future sweater......and if it is half as amazing as your SAFF sweater it will be incredible!!!
What a gracious host and such a warm person!!
Thank you SO much for getting this first Distaff Day Spin In together!!
Your spinning skills amaze me!!! I could sit and watch you spin for hours!!!! I love your Majacraft Rose wheel!!!
Your house was absolutely perfect, I had a WONDERFUL time and I can't wait till we are all able to work out a time/place to meet again!!!!
Darlene, great pictures! I like your idea of next time having a time go off and we all play musical chairs so we all have a chance to talk to everyone! Though, we might need a bigger space to haul wheels around with us! :D I think we need to make this a monthly thing. It was so fun!
And thanks for all your sweet comments about my sweater! I'm wearing it right now even though it's not even cold. I don't care! :D
What a great write-up! But dang, what a horrible picture of me! I'll forgive you, though. It's good incentive to pack my gym bag PRONTO!
Great pics and such an expressive write up :)
OK - I guess we'll need to shoot for the next gathering - how about Feb 10?
Oh, it sounds like a perfect day! I wish I lived closer!
I had such a wonderful time meeting you! I hope we can get together again. :)
I to had a wonderful time meeting all of you and learning to actually use the wheel that has been collecting dust.
Looking forward to next time.
What can I say that hasn't already been said! It was so wonderful to meet such a wonderful group of great ladies & their fabulous wheels!
1. This almost makes me want to spin......ALMOST.
2. I just bought Yarn from Jessi and now you have to point me in the direction of Funky Carolina?!?!?!? Darn you..... we all know that I need absolutely no more sock yarn! :)
Aw, I am SO jealous now! I know y'all had the most fun!!!
Gosh you all look like you were having a blast! Wish I lived closer!
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