Monday, April 10, 2006

Now You Don't

Despite the fact that the sticks look sort of like needles in a voodoo doll I promise it isn't!! (Although come to think of it wonder why I didn't think of that sooner!! LOL!). I feel like I FINALLY got the hang of this sock business....(at least as far as the top of the sock goes)....when I took a good look at it there were just too many mistakes that I had made and while I know my first sock isn't going to be perfect.....I would prefer that the mistakes be ones that only I would be able to see......SO.........out it came!!! I almost cried!!!! 326 hours of work (well....maybe not QUITE that many!)....and out it came in about 2.4 seconds!!!! BUT......I am picking it right back up and will hopefully have a cuff to post in the next few days. Work is still and issue for me right now so I am limited on time to knit....of course another problem I have is checking out all the blogs!! Oh....I fear I have created another addiction!!

Working on a way to "flash my stash".....I feel the need to come clean about this. Will try to think creatively....may take me awhile.....Hee Hee!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whata cute kitty but I don't see and socks.