Thursday, January 07, 2010


FRESH cousin picked these early the morning they left Florida to drive to Alabama for a post holiday visit!! They taste AWESOME!!!

I can't IMAGINE walking out my back door and having orange and grapefruit trees as they do!!


Little Miss Drama Pants said...

I can imagine it, but no matter how hard I imagine, they're still not there.

Sydney said...

Oh that makes me want to get some oranges!

elizabeth said...

I know! A coworker brought back lemons from her brother's house in FL and they're awesome! Wish I'd grabbed more!

Bubblesknits said...


sara said...

Great picture. My grandparents lived in Orlando and had an orange tree in their front yard. I have great memories of fresh...really fresh orange juice when we went to visit.

Emily said...

My satsuma is as cozied up as I can make it in hopes that one day ONE DAY I will have fruit. Cross your fingers.