COMPLETED!!! May Day Socks!!
While I am not the type that everything must be perfect and match.....I am a tad dissapointed that the colors pooled so bad on one sock!!
These socks were knit with the Checkered Textures Pattern from the
Knit Socks Book.
Knit with Cherry Tree Hill Sock Yarn, Jewels.
I have lot's of goodies to send along and will get my pkg. in the mail May 1st!!
Also completed, One sock down, second sock is on the needles, about to turn the heel. Blue Moon yarn, I'll dig up the ball band and post the color once I have the mate completed.
Despite taking a plethora of pictures this was the best I could get..... see Mr. Squirrel???
Bella LOVES to watch the birds and squirrels!! Our back yard is woods filled with ZILLIONS of squirrels!!
This little fella stayed for the LONGEST time, right outside the porch, happily digging away, occasionally stopping to sit up and stare at Bella.
Bella was PURFECTLY still....not a single whisker wiggle or tail flip, NOTHING!! Completely mesmerized!
I first thought the squirrel was licking it's chops due to some tasty morsel it was digging so furiously for.....but I think it was actually sticking it's tongue out at Bella, ala....."nana nana boo boo, you can't GET me!!!" LOL!!!
Stop The Presses: Actual Spinning ME!! (I know, hard to believe isn't it)?
AND......I decided since I have a new wheel on order I should get busy spinning (I haven't spun anything since JANUARY)!!!!!
Bibby and
Jessi came by Monday morning to spin and if you look at Jessi's blog you might recognize this roving!! I am H.O.P.I.N.G. roving is going to be a regular addition to
Alabama Fiber Dreams (hint, hint, wink, wink).
This is superwash BFL and it was a JOY to get back into spinning after such a dry spell with fiber that is this nice!!!
My camera does NOT do this color justice AT ALL!!! The color is much more saturated!!
I am hopefully going to get another bobbin spun tonight and plyed this weekend!!!
Jessi........your roving ROCKS!!!!!!!
Hey, how about calling it Jessi's Rocking Roving??!! LOL!!!