Monday, July 23, 2007

Actual KNITTING Content!!

Despite my recent lack of posts......I HAVE been knitting!!

Exhibit A:

Lynette Sock Yarn from Ruby Sapphire.


Exhibit B:
Jitterbug by Colinette

This is the yarn that I received from my FANTABULOUS Hurricane Sock Swap Pal...Jane.

I used a size 2 needle (typically use a size 1) and without thinking cast on 64 (my norm).... they are a bit looser around the ankle than what I am used to but after trying them on several times I decided I like the slightly looser fit of the cuffs and decreased down to 56 for the foot to fit better on that part. This yarn is so soft and "squooshy"!!!!

I have also made about 4 or 5 "warshrags" in anticipation of the Dish Rag Tag that is due to start August 1st.

Still no work done on the spinning wheel. Staining is complete....just haven't had enough time to get involved in the process of getting a coat of polyurethene applied!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Ruby Sapphire Sock Club!!!

What a GREAT Monday!!

I got the AC back up and running (after kindly handing over $400) UGH!!!

THEN....a trip to the mailbox on a Monday typically reveals bills but TODAY I got THIS!!!

The FIRST shipment for the Ruby Sapphire Sock Club!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

The yarn is REALLY purty!!!! My camera does not do the colors justice!!!

And check out the extra goodies!!! A cute sheep note pad...perfect for my purse and CUTE stitch markers.....a coupon to be used for a future yarn purchase that all off with candy!!!

Now THIS is what I call a GREAT first sock club package!!! LOVE all the little unexpected treasures!!!

All patterns are original designs too!!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Eye Candy Friday, YUCK and a BIG surprise!!!

What could be better than starting your day with a good cup of coffee......served up in a CUTE sheep mug from a dear friend!!??!!!

Bibby ran by yesterday for a knit visit and brought me this mug...

TOOO Cute!!!!!! Reminds me of all the girls in our knit group Chicks with Sticks!!!

A close up...aren't they ADORABLE?????

 personal favorite.....The BLACK SHEEP of the group!!! LOL!!!

A Friday YUCK!!

As DH was getting ready for work this morning, as is his usual routine, he turns on the water while brushing his teeth ......he turned away from the sink for just a minute and when he turned back found THIS!!!

He was....shall we say...."substantial" size....NO clue where he came from....but when the water came on....this fella came to the party!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmm......I'm thinking I may start turning on the light and checking things out when making those late night bathroom visits!!!! With my luck I would be the ONE in a MILLION that would make the ER staff's night by showing up with a scorpian bite on my derriere!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

Now for the SURPRISE!!

Our sweetie Ginger and her ADORABLE husband surprised everyone last night by showing up at Knit Night with their new baby boy....born exactly two weeks ago last night!!!!!!! Just absolutely MADE my night!!!

This was our first time to get to see the baby!!!

I didn't have my camera with me but you can check out Ginger's blog for some pics of the Little Man!!!

Oh My....we were all so very, very tickled to see them ALL!!! Ginger's husband is just the GREATEST guy in the attentive and you can tell he is such a good Daddy and so very proud of his baby boy!!

Ginger was absolutely GLOWING with love for the Little Man!!! He was dressed in a cute little plaid outfit.....very "little boy" looking!!!

Can't imagine any two better people to be parents!!!!

We can't WAIT till Ginger is able to come back to Knit Night.....I'm thinking there is going to be a lot of baby holding going on!!! LOL!!! He is so cute you just want to cuddle him up and just LOOK at him!!!!!!! So much so that I'm thinking we may need to bring a timer to insure everyone has equal time!!! LOL!!!

We Love you Ginger and can't WAIT to see you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

KIWI Update

Several have sent me emails asking about the progress of my Kiwi.

Unfortunately, there is no update. The wheel is still in pieces in the basement....I believe I need one more coat of stain on the wheel itself and then have to apply the polyurethene before assembling.

Life has been so hectic lately I simply have not had time to work on it.....UGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007