Yarns Downtown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FINALLY.......Trussville has a GREAT yarn shop!!!!
Yarns Downtown is the perfect name for this shop....it is upscale, friendly, open, and absolutely BEAUTIFUL......and I haven't even started on the yarn!!! The full inventory should be in sometime in June, but oh my.....to know there is a dreamy shop just a few minutes from my home makes me downright giddy....and slightly afraid!! LOL!!!! I fear I shall have to get a job to support my Uptown Yarn habit!!!!
The owner and employees were genuinely friendly and always close by to answer questions or assist in any way needed.......just can't say enough about the experience, one I plan to repeat on a VERY regular basis!!!!
L to R:
Rebecca, Paige, Suzanne, Moi, Cindy, Jessie. (Not shown, Carol).
Not a better group of women around...and oh the trouble I fear we will be getting into!!!